If you have been charged with a criminal offense, it is absolutely critical to begin protecting your rights as soon as possible. Failure to take the correct action can turn what would be an outright dismissal into a conviction. While a conviction obviously has significant effects in the short term, it can also be disastrous in the long run for professional and educational opportunities.
A skilled lawyer cannot be overrated if you or a loved one has been charged. An attorney with knowledge of and experience in the area’s courtrooms is critical. Tailoring an approach to a particular judge or attorney is extremely effective in working toward an ideal outcome. This is the knowledge I bring to every case.
For almost two decades, I have been working with clients in Missouri on misdemeanor and felony charges related to:
I am able to do everything possible to negotiate with the prosecuting attorney to mitigate consequences or work toward an outright dismissal. It is my goal to work as efficiently and effectively as possible while offering reasonable and competitive fees and/or payment plans.
I can help with getting people out of jail and work with bond reductions.
To schedule a free initial consultation with a Malden Missouri criminal law attorney, call 573-276-5183 or contact us.